JavelinaHunter.com Your Source For All Things Relating To JAVELINA Hunting.

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Javelina Skull photo courtesy of the Black Powder Notebook  copyright © 2000 B. E. Spencer.

Trophy Selection

Javelina trophy quality is judged by skull measurements ~ measured the same as Bear or Mountain Lion.  Greatest Length (without lower jaw) plus Greatest Width equals score (L+W=Score)

Javelina are not recognized in the Boone and Crockett Club or Pope and Young Record books.  However, they are recognized by the following organizations record books:
bulletBowhunting in Arizona  Record Book, 13 8/16 min score for entry.  Arizona Archery Record Javelina 15 4/16 (as of April 2006).
bulletThe Arizona Wildlife Federation  Official Arizona Big Game Trophies Record Book, 14.0  min score.
bulletJavelinaHunter.com Online Record book 
bulletSafari Club International (SCI)

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Javelina head.  Photo by Shirley Curtis. Click on picture to enlarge.

Selecting a "trophy" animal is not easy.  After one year of age (becoming an adult) it's extremely difficult to perceive differences between individual Javelina in the field.  Use the following to identify/narrow your selection.
bulletBoars skulls are generally shorter in length but significantly wider then sows
bulletGo after older animals.  Older animals generally have larger skulls  
bulletJavelina over a couple years of age will have no hair on their knees.  Javelina generally spend a great deal of time on there knees digging for tubars.  Older animals will develop easily distinguishable calluses on there knee area.
bulletPredator calls.  Generally dominant (older) boars and sows come to calls (as discussed previously)
bulletPhysical size.  Where possible target the largest animal.  Remember spooked Javelina bristle their hair adding up to 6 inches in size compared to an undisturbed state. 
bulletIf the herd is undisturbed, but moving single file along a trail, the first animal is generally a sow, the larger dominant boars can often be found towards the rear of the herd
bulletPreseason scouting
bulletLocate herds/range areas that are at least 1 mile from the nearest road.  Less hunting pressure equals longer life and more Javelina in the 5 plus year of age range
bulletHunt larger herds~Large herd size (12 or more animals) means minimal hunting pressure and more trophy animals
bulletHunt desert flats and mesquite thickets.  Areas driven past by most hunters on their way to the "foothills".  This usually involves considerable walking, binoculars are next to useless, and contains nearly impenetrable cactus thickets-prime Javelina habitat 

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Last modified: Wednesday July 11, 2012.