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The Secret Weapon

Without a doubt the most exciting way to hunt Javelina is calling them.  Using a predator call exploits the Javelina's propensity to counter attack predators when one of their herd mates is wounded or being attacked.

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Nice teeth. Photo Courtesy of the Desert Life web site.

How to use the J-13 Javelina call

The JavelinaHunter.com J-13 Javelina call is expressly made for calling Javelina.  It's been field tested and designed to produce the correct pitch, volume, and sound for attracting and provoking Javelina.

Next, forget what you know, or think you know, or how you've used calls in the past. Most hunters have "played around" with a call before. You blow into it, it sounds kind of like kazoo or fairly deep “waaaa.... waaaa...” sound.  Or if your terribly good, maybe a "injured rabbit squealing".

The J-13 Javelina call is meant to sound like trapped, injured, and fighting Javelina.  Hold the call in the "V" formed by the thumb and index finger of one hand.  Cup the call with the other hand so that you can amplify and control the pitch and tone by opening and closing your hands in conjunction with varying your "blow" pressure from your diaphragm.

During the start of a call sequence take a fairly deep breath and blow from your diaphragm instead of puffing from your mouth.  This gives you much better breath control, which  makes your calling more realistic and produces better results.  Close you hand over the end of the call and blow hard, while delaying the opening of your both hands a 10th of a second.  The beginning of a call sequence should be loud and terrified, then let the screams trail off into groans, growls, squeals, and fight sounds which can be made by varying your hand configuration on the calls opening and blowing short choppy breaths. Wait about a minute and then repeat the complete series.

 YOU MUST impart feeling into the screams, groans and growls of the call.  The more terrified and frantic you can make the call sound the faster the herd will come in.  It is not unusual to have 8 or 10 Javelina come into the call on a dead run after only a few screams on the call.  

Click HERE To Hear The J-13 Javelin Calling Sequence

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Situational Use

Use a predator call only in three situations.

Situation number 1. You’ve spotted the herd, they are no more than 60 yards away and you can't easily close the distance because of thick brush (to noisy) or it’s to open of an area (no cover).  

Before calling you should "set-up", pistol or bow at the ready, kneeling position, with the location of all animals identified as best as possible. Your call should be on a lanyard, so you can spit it out of your mouth after calling (hands on weapon), buts its quickly retrievable if needed. A 3-4 second calling sequence will normally do the trick. As soon as the call sequence is complete be ready! Javelina will be coming fast. Generally they make 15 to 20 yard charges, stop, and charge again towards the area of the call. You will often hear the "woof" sound they make with each step they take, as there coming in. Stay calm and pick a clean shot. Don't hurry the shot or settle for a bad shot, or worse yet "flock shoot", and don't worry if they see you.  I have called in, shot, and missed the same animal three different times with a pistol before, and ultimately bagged him. It can go like this, shoot, miss, the animal runs away, blow on the call, the animal comes back, shoot, miss and so on. 

Situation number 2. Your humping along (day dreaming) and bang, off busts a herd at 40 yards in 5 different directions. Get on the call (blow) immediately. 3 to 4 seconds, look for animals and listen for "woofing", wait a few seconds and back on the call for another 3 to 4 seconds. Generally, not all the herd will of seen you. Some Javelina may have stayed “frozen” unsure of the exact nature or cause of the alarm, while other Javelina may initially only run 50 -75 yards, then stop and freeze to determine the source of danger. Often times a quick calling sequence will bring the Javelina right back to you for a shot

Situation number 3. Moving through thick mesquite tangles and you hear a faint "woof" or smell pig. Although you don't see Javelina, if you hear the telltale faint "woof" sound, then they are in close enough vicinity to respond to a call. The “woof“ call is an alert call, similar to a deer’s “snort“, even when alerted, Javelina still will respond to the call a great percentage of the time.

Cold calling. Calling blindly, that is, with no Javelina or “hot” sign sighted is unproductive 99.9% of the time.  I used to believe this up until the time I started field testing the J-13 Javelina call.  Using the J-13 Javelina call, I have "cold called" several herds in during the last couple months.  Recently, while testing the J-13 call on coyotes, I watched one herd of Javelina race down a wash well over 350 yards to me. 

Biggest mistakes.  Having hunted with numerous first-time Javelina hunters as well as experienced javelina hunters who were trying calling for the first time, the most common mistakes are:

bulletStopping the call sequence to early.  For some reason, allot of  hunters seem to clam up and stop calling once they get the Javelina moving their direction.  It's probably a tendency  and a belief that they need to remain unseen by the Javelina.  FALSE!  I call till the Javelina are with in 10 yards then shift to my weapon...The Javelina see me... a good portion of the time they get startled and freeze, not sure what I am, and provide me a standing shot at under 10 yards (for a few seconds).  
bulletNot calling after the hunter shoots and misses (especially after firing a gun).  Javelina will come back 100 percent of the time after being shot at (and missed) by firearms. You may need to call continuously for 3 to 4 minutes, but they will come back!
bulletOnly blowing the call sequence for a few seconds.  If Javelina have been spotted, or spooked, jumped or stumbled into, call continuously until they are in shooting range.
bulletTalking, laughing or screaming.  NEVER make human sounds during or after calling or shooting. That will spook Javelina and they will NOT come back.
bulletNot being ready before cold calling.  It's human nature after a couple days of hunting, and not seeing anything, most hunters will give cold calling a try.  After the 5th or 6th time without having Javelina respond, most hunters begin to question if whether there are any Javelina within a 100 miles--The one time you do not set up  prior to calling (nock an arrow, etc.) they will respond.

Authors note about safety

When Javelina are responding to a call, they are coming to protect a herd member--ready to charge and bite!  If you don’t think Javelina can be dangerous, check out JavelinaHunter.com's Javelina Attacks page, for several newspaper accounts, and verified reports of Javelina attacking people and pets. They can get very, very close, very, very quickly, keep your situational awareness about you. On several occasions I've had to make noise, waive my hand, stand up, kick, etc. to scare off Javelina. this has occurred even after I've shot and bagged an animal. It's very common for Javelina to approach at ranges well under 10 yards when calling--that's close!...No that’s fun!

WOW! Javelina Calling 101 Audio online!  Hear & learn how to call Javelina...Free lessons from an expert...(read more)


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Last modified: Wednesday July 11, 2012.